"Classical choral music is a dying art-form..." you hear this everywhere, and you sure as heck notice it when no one comes to hear you pour your blood, sweat and tears into your most recent choral concert.
What can be done? Do we keep trying to ram the traditional consumer-driven concert paradigm down the collective Public throat? Can we consider different strategies for presenting this art-form which are more in line with today's frenzied cultural pace?
This blog should be more than a soap-box for my thoughts and opinions on the future of classical choral music. I hope to pull together ideas from the greater world of classical music and other purportedly effete art-forms. This blog should become a forum for your ideas, experiences and opinions as well. We need to band together, both on and off the choral risers.
Does anything in this blog strike a big, dissonant, unresolved chord for you? If you have anything to share; an opinion or rant, an anecdote, a strategy for moving forward, a link to someone else who cares, please e-mail me your contributions. If you are inspired to contribute frequently, I invite you to co-author the blog and submit your own writings. Please navigate to my Profile and contact me, Celeste, at the listed e-mail address (Profile link found under Contributors section below) .